The following transcriptions and images come from British Library Add Mss 39227 and record the income of the Rector of Great Ryburgh
during his 4 years in Ryburgh
fo. 29
This bill made the xiiij th daye of Auguste in
the Eleventhe yeare of the raygne of our Sove-
raygne Ladye Elyzabeth by grace of god
Queene of england &c Withnissythe that
I Richard Harris Clarke parson of gret
Rybroughe with in the Countye of Norefk
have recy[ved] and had the daye and makinge
herof of Thomas Buttes of gret
Rybroughe afouresayd Esquyer twentye
fyve shillinges and viij d in full contentacion
and payement of ^all such ^his Tythe woll and
Lambes due at Lammas Daye Laste
past befor the date hereof In wytnes
wherof I have subscrybed my name & sette
my seale the daye and yeare fyrste above
P[er] me Richard
Harris Clarke
The P[ar]son
Harris acquirtance
of Ao 1569 for
Tythe wooll and
fo. 30
This bill made the ffirste daye of Auguste, in
the yeare of o[ur] Lorde god a thowsande, fyve hundrythe
Three score & Tenn and in the Twelfhe yeare of the
Raygne of o[ur] Soverayg[n]e Ladye Elyzabethe by the
grace of god Queene of Englande, ffrance, &
Irelande , Defende[r] of the faythe etc. Withnyssithe
that I Richard Harris ^p[ar]son^ of the parrishe churche ------------- xxvj s viij d
of great Rybroughe, within the Countye of Norefk
Clarke, have receyved and had the daye of
the makinge hereof, of Thomas Buttes of great
Rybroughe within the Countye afoersayd Esquyer
The Some of Twentye syxe shillinges and viij d
of Lawfull englysshe moneye/ in full contentacion
& payemente of all & for such his Tythe wooll,
and Lambes due for this whole yeare, endinge
at the daye of the date hereof /In wyttnes
wherof I have subscrybed my name and Sett
my seale for these preasentes the daye & yeare
firste Abovewritton
by me Richarde Harris Clarke
detail of seal found on folio 30 of British Library Add. Mss 39227 reproduced by kind permission.
M[aster] Harrys p[ar]son of Greate
Ryburgh hys bill for ye
payement of xxvj s viij d
for hys tythe wooll & lambes
Ao 1570
fo 31
This bill made the xth daye of November Ao Dn MDD.lxx? (1570)
Anno Regin Dne Elizabethe Dei gratia Anglie Regine et cet
Duodecimo withnissithe that I Richard Harris clarck par]son
of gret Rybroughe have recevied and had the daye and writinge
hereof of Thomas Buttes Esquyer for the haulfe yeares tythe
of the corne myll of Rybroughe afoersayde Due at the
feaste of Saynct Mychaeel Tharckangell Last past before -----------viij s xj d
the date hereof. v s.viij d. It[e]m for the halfe of a co[m]posytyon
as ap[er]ithe by the court Rolles they also due ij s. iiij d. It[e]m
for the halfe yeares fearme of one Acre of Landes Lyenge
in Woodcroft then allso diew vj d. It[e]m for part they also
diew v d In wyttnes wherof I have subscrybed this bill
w[i]th myne owne hand the daye & yeare first abovewritton
p[er] me Richardu[s] Harris
rectore ib[ide]m
fo. 31v
M[aste]r Rychard Harrys parson of
Greate Ryburgh hys byll for
one haulfe yere Ao 1570
fo. 32
This bill made the xxvth of marche in the yeare of o[u]r Lorde
god 1570 and in the twelthe yeare of the Rayg[n]e of o[u]r
Soveringne Ladye Elyzabethe by the grace of god Queene
of englande ffrance & Ireland Defender of the faythe
etc withnissithe that I M[aste]r Richard Harris
clarcke p[ar]son of Rybroughe magna in the countye of
Noreffk have recvyued and had at the daye and
wrytinge hereof of Thomas Buttes of gret Rybrough
w[it]hin the countye aforesayed Esquyer ffor suche
severall p[ar]celles of Tythe diew at the date hereof for
one whole yeare as hereafter ensuith That is to saye
for the Tythe of the Southe myll xj s iiij d. for the
whole of the composityon as ap[er]ithe by the court roells
iiij s & viij d. fir one acre Lyinge in the woodcroft xij s.
& for the part of one whole yeare x s. Soma totalis
diew for one whole yeare xvij s x d. for the
w[hi]ch some of xvij s x d I the foresayed Richard
acknowledge my Detes contented & payed & therof
the sayed Thomas Buttes Esquyer do acquyet &
discharge his executorres & assyganes
P[er] me Richard Harris Clarcke
Wyttnyth Thomas Browne
o. 32v
The p[ar]son Harrys Acquye
tannce for certeyne tythes
aswell for the myll as
for ye Composytyon p[ay]d due
for one Whole yere Ao
1570 & Ao xijmo dne
Elizabeth pd
Recy[ve]d of M[aste]r Thomas Buttes Esquier by me
Richard Harris p[ar]son of great Rybroughe for
one halfe yeare tenthes of a water myll diewe
at ye ffeaste of the Annuncyation of the blessed
Vyrgen marye Laste paste – v s -viij d as
allso for one halfe yeares tythe of a composytion
for certaine small tythes aboute the farme of
ye manno[r] ther diew at the sayed feaste
ij s vij d and allso for one Acre of Lande --------------viij s xj d
in Woodcrofte for a halfe yeare diewe at
the feaste afoersayed vj s. In wyttnes
wherof I the sayed Richard Harris clarke, have
to thes preasentes sette my hand & Seale the
ijnd daye of Aprill, in the fourtenthe yeare
of the Raigne of o[u]r Soveraigne Ladye Elizabethe
by the grace of god Queen of England ffrance
& Irelande, defendo[r] of ye faythe etc
by me Ric[har]d Harris
detail of seal found on folio 33 of British Library Add. Mss 39227 reproduced by kind permission.
fo.33v. blank
This bill made the xxth daye of Maye in the Thyrtenthe yeare
of the Rayg[n]e of o[u]r Soveraig[n]e Elyzabethe by the grace of god
Queen of Englande ffrance & Ireland etc wythnissythe that
I Richard Harris clarck p[ar]son of gret Rybroughe have receaved
and had the daye and wrytinge hereof of Thomas Buttes Esquyer
for the halfe yeares tythes of the Corne myll of Rybroughe
afoersayde/ Due at the ffeaste of the Annuncyation of the
Vyrgien marye Last past before the date hereof v s. viij d.
Item for the halfe of composytion as ap[er]ithe by the -----------viij s. xj d.
Court Roelles then also due ij s. iiij d. It[e]m for the
halfe yeares fearme of one Acre of Land Lyenge in
Woodcroft then also diew vj d. Item for part
then at Estar Last diew v d. In wytnes wherof I
have subscrybed this bill w[i]th my owne hand the day
&yeare first abovewritton.
P[er] me Richardu[s] harris
cler[ic]um ib[ide]m
fo. 34v.
Ao 1571
M[aste]r Rychard Harrys his
bille for one haulffe
yere Ao 1571 & Ao
xiij dne Elizabeth p[aye]d
fo. 35
This bill made the first daye of August in the
yeare of o[ur] Lorde God ut Supra and in the
xiij th yeare of the Raigne of our Sovereigne
ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god of
Englande ffrance & Ireland Queen defend[e]r
of the faythe etc withnissith that I
Richarde harris clarke & p[ar]son of the parrissh
churche, of gret Rybroughe in the countye [of]
Norff, have receyved & had the daye &
makinge hereof of Thomas Buttes Esquyer -----------------xxvj s viij d
The Some of Twentye six shillinges viij d
of current moneye of Englande in full
contentacion & payment of all & for suche
his tythes wooll and lambes due for this
present yeare endinge the daie of this p[re]sentes
For wyttnss wherof I have Subscrybed
my name & Sette my Seale the day
& yeare firste abovewritton
By me Richard harris
detail of seal found on folio 35 of British Library Add. Mss 39227 reproduced by kind permission.
fo. 35v.
Ao 1571 pd
M[aste]r R. Harrys p[ar]son of Greate
Ryburgh hys bille or Acquyetannces
for ye payment of xxvj s. viij d.
due for tythe woolle and lambes
Ao dm 1571 pd
fo. 36
This byll made the Laste daye of September in the Thirthenth
yeare of the Raygne of o[u]r Soveraygne Ladye Elyzabethe by
the grace of god , Queen of England, ffrance & Ireland
Defend[e]r of the faythe etc/ wythnissithe that I M[aste]r Richard
harris clarcke p[ar]spn of the parrysshe of gret Rybroughe
have receaved and had ye daye & wrytinge of these
preasentes of Thomas Buttes Esquyer for the haulfe
yeares Tythe of the Corne myll of Rybroughe
aforesayde/ Due at the feast of St Mychaell
Tharkangell Last past before the date hereof ------------------viij s. xj d.
v s. viij d. It[e]m for the halfe of a composytion
as ap[er]ithe by the court Roelles then allso diew
ij s. iiij d. It[e]m for the halfe yeares fearme of
one Acar of Land Lyenge in Woodcroft then
allso diew vj d. It[e]m for part then allso diew
v d. In wytness wherof I have subscrybed
this byll with myne owne hand the Daye &
yeare abovewritton
p[er] me Richardu[s] Harris
fo. 36v. Blank
fo. 37
This bill made the vth daye of October in the yeare of o[u]r Lorde God 1572 &
in the xviiijth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elyzabethe
by the grace of God Queen of england , ffrance & Irelande
Defendo[r] of the faythe etc Wyttnessithe that I Richard harrys
w[ith]in the Countye of Norfk clarcke have receaved and had the daye
of the makinge and wrytinge hereof of Thomas Buttes of gret
Rybroughe w[ith]in the countye of Norfk afoersayed Esquyer fyve
powndes of good & Lawfull englishe moneye due unto me the
abovenamed Rychard harrys aswell for all suche Corne &
Sondrye Kyndes of Graynes as ys at this present daye beinge the
iiijth of October `Ao Dm 1572 nowe remayninge and beinge w[ith]in
the P[ar]sonage fearme of great Rybrough aforesayed, as allso in full
contentacion and payement of all maner of debts, dueties &
demanndes whatsoever due unto me the abovenamed Richard
harris by any maner of meanes from the begynninge of the world
tyll the daye of the date of theyse presentes. In wyttnes
wherof I have subscrybed and sealed this bill w[i]th my owne
hande the daye and yeare firste abovewritten.
P[er] me Richard harris
Redd sealed & delyvered yn ye presence of
Edmund Dayne + Rychard Gardener
+ John Catton & + Wyllyam Warne
detail of seal found on folio 37 of British Library Add. Mss 39227 reproduced by kind permission.
fo. 37v. Blank
fo. 38 Blank
A Generall Acquyetennce made
from Rychard Harrys clarck
late parson of greate Ryburgh
6th Octob[e]r Ao 1572
The following transcription found on fos. 68 and 68v of B.L.Add.Mss. 39221 tells the other side of the story, that of Richard Harris the inveterate debtor:
A note of suyche debttes as ys well knowen that
Rychard Harrys dothe owe unto dyvers persons
at thys present day beyng the vijth of July A[nno] 1572.
Fyrst the sayde Rychard Harrys doothe owe unto one Rychard
Pynchebeck. vj xx(score) Coombes of Barely for the whyche Edmonde
Theverey ys bownde, whyche beyng rated after iij.s iiij d
the coombe comyth to—————————————————————-xx li
Item This sayd Harrys doothe owe unto one John Fellow of
Fakenham. lx (60) Coombes of grayne, vidett of Wheate,
messelyne, & barelye, for the whyche corne Edmonde
Theverey standeth bownde which rated aft[er] vs the coombe ys ————xv li
Item the sayde R Harrys doothe owe unto one Robt Gottes
of lyttell Ryburgh . for the whyche moony he payeth for
interest . iiij s for every pownde, & Edmonde Theverey ys
also bownde for that——————————————————————-xij li
Item The sayd .R. Harrrys doothe owe unto one Petre Wyllyams
of Walsyngham. x. coombes barelye whyche beyng rated aft[er]
iij s iiij d the Coombe comyth to———————————————xxxiij s iiij d
Item The sayd Harrys doothe owe unto one Suckelyn a baker
yn Norwyche xxli for the Whyche one Spycer of Fakenham
standyth bownden—————————————————————-xx li
sould (in margin)
Item the sayd Harrys doothe owe unto one Edmonde Evered of
Fakenham for certeyne neate——iiij li & xvij for one yere pd
sould (in margin)
Item the sayd Harrys doothe owe unto one Thomas Awleforde
of Croxton for certeyne neate————-xl
Fo 68v
Item ye sayd Rychard Harrys doothe owe unto one Rudd of Dereham
A draper for certeyne cloth————-------------------------------------—-iij li ? s
Item he dooth also owe unto one Rychard Empson of Greate
Ryburgh. ———————--------------------------------------------------xxvj s viij d
Item He dooth also owe unto one Henry Holmes parson of
Bryseley xx s this which hee hathe layde vij of his bookes to gage—xx s
Item he doothe owe unto one Margarett Harrys Wyddowe
Of Greate Ryburgh————---------------------------------------------------viij s
Item he dooth owe unto one Wyddowe Jervys of Greate
Ryburghe——————--------------------------------------------------------v s iiij d
Item he dothe owe unto one John Dextar sometyme hys
Servannt v Coombes of Bareley Item vj s viij d
Yn moony whyche the sayde Harrys did borrowe of hym ——-------xxx s
& besydes vj s viij d for hys one hole yeres lyverey
Item He dooth owe unto one Wyllyam Howke of
Norwyche draper for hys wyfes petycote ——————-----------------x s
Item he dooth owe unto one Thomas Ramesye of Geyst
A Smyth xiij s iiij d ————————————————— ------------xiij s iiij d
Item he dooth owe unto one ------------------------- iiij s x d
A mayde dwellyng yn Norwyche
Sum total besydes the p[ar] tes ys ——————- ------------iiij score iij li. vj s. viij d
[ £83-6/-8d]