This is a first attempt on these pages to transcribe a Tudor will. It is hoped that it is substantially correct and no attempt has been made to alter the inconsistent spellings or add missing punctuation. This will is considerably more detailed than either of his brothers who both predeceased him, possibly because Thomas was the last of the male line and certainly because he seems in general very meticulous in his accounting as seen in the surviving documents associated with him.
Edmund the younger brother died c 1549 and William the older brother in 1583. After Edmund died, his widow Anne, William and Thomas drew up a legal contract to settle the combined Buttes and Bures (the family of the Buttes' wives) estates with the family of Sir Nicholas Bacon the son and heir of the Lord Keeper of the realm. Edmund and Anne Buttes were the only couple of the 3 brothers' generation to produce a child (also Anne Buttes) who married Sir Nicholas Bacon. It was one of their children Sir Robert together with his wife, yet another Anne, who came to reside in Ryburgh, probably at the Hall during the first half of the C17th. You can read both Edmund and William's wills Here.
In due course it is hoped to provide a little more biographical information about the 23 godchildren, numerous family, friends and servants who were the beneficiaries. There is an armourial "family tree"contained in the North Transept Glass at St Andrew's wherein the names of Bacon, Heigham, Drewry, Astley and Waldegrave are shown. It is thought that thse originally were in the parlour at Ryburgh Hall
As already seen in these pages Thomas Buttes had a substantial collection of religious books which reflected his strong interest in the new protestant Church of England following the break with Rome. His generosity to the poor of large areas of North Norfolk as well as Norwich and Lynn was exemplary. Interestingly his employment of a wide range of clergy acquaintances to preach srmons after his death makes the absence of any mention of Thomas Waterman clerk of Ryburgh all the more telling. Is it because of the death of his wife and his difficult relationship with Waterman that he abandoned Ryburgh Hall for Catton in his latter years even though he didn’t neglect St Andrew’s itself?
The large amount of weapons and armour suggests that he was finding good homes for the contents of an armoury that he would have no longer been obliged to provide for the local militia as he died without immediate male heirs.
It is also very noticeable that his “olde trustie and paynful servant Margaret Matson” benefited hugely from this will during her lifetime. He was careful to ensure she was well provided for, being equally careful that after any future marriage or in the evnt of her death all was returned to the wider family through his niece Lady Anne Bacon nee Buttes, the daughter of Thomas’ younger brother Edmund. Margaret Matson's will has survived and is to be found in the Norfolk Record Office.
William, Thomas and Edmund were the three sons of Dr. William Buttes physician to Henry VIII. The sons each married one of their father’s wards. Similarly, each of them were sisters, the children of Henry Bures of Acton. Mary Bures (the 4th of Dr Sir William Buttes wards) married Thomas Barrow of Barningham in Suffolk.
Their daughter Anne Barrow, (Edmund Buttes' niece) married Sir Rafe Shelton as his second wife and with whom she had two sons, William and Henry Shelton who were the godsons of her Uncles, William and Thomas Buttes. Henry Shelton, as seen below was one of the Thomas's executors. As can be seen in the inventory of Thomas' s house at Catton, Mr Shelton had his own chamber there
After Sir Rafe's death Anne Barrow/Shelton married Sir Charles Cornwallis (the son of Sir Thomas Cornwallis who as written in the will gave him "the stafe ..which was sometime the prince of Oranges staffe' )
All of his pictures hanging in the parlour at Catton were bequeathed to his friend Sir Drew Drurie. There is some ambiguity in this section but he distinguishes between "Picture" and "Table" as well as "Picture or Table" and it is my surmise that the splendid portrait of him in old age might be modestly disposed of as the first bequest to his friend, immediately followed by the table (Painting on board or possibly an engraving?) of Bishop John Jewell and the other "godly" persons.
As there is no mention in the will at this point, had the portrait of his brother Edmund, that he inherited from his will, already been passed on to Anne Bacon
An examination of the will of Sir Drew Drurie drawn up in 1613 makes no mention of any specific pictures at all and therefore these portraits were either disposed of via the above network of related families or remained among the residue of his effects which passed to his son also named Drew Drury.
As for the bequest of some twenty or more gold rings engraved with a T B, I would be fascinated to know if any have survived over time through the Bacon family.
The will of Thomas Buttes late of Great Riborowe
as found in
N.R.O. Will Register Apleyard fos. 373-384v
B.L. Add Mss 39227 fos. 118-125
NRO fo 373
In the name of god amen so be it the xxiidaye of Maie in the yeare of our lorde god a thousand fyve hundred fower score and twelve and in the xxxiiij yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England France and Ireland Quene defender of the faithe etc. I Thomas Buttes late of great Riborowe within the countie of Norffolk esquier beinge whole of minde and perfect in remembrance praysed be god consideringe the state of this worlde to be in pilgrimage and an uncertaine journye and the ende thereof unknowne I therefore make this my last will & Testament in manner and forme followinge First I bequeathe my sowle to allmightie god and to Jhesus Christ his onlye sonne by whose death and passion and faythe therein I trust to be saved and my bodie to be buried in the channcell of great Riborowe aforesaid within one fote of the tombe which I have made for my late wife and I gyve to the poore folkes kept for the relief of the poore dwellinge in great Riborowe xx s also I gyve to the poore inhabitantes in the Towne of little Riborowe vj s viij d to be distributed unto them within two daies next after my buriall also I gyve to the poore inhabitants within the Towne of Thorneham xxij s viij d to be distributed amongst them within eight daies next after my buriall by the vicar & Churchwardens there with the advise of William Reade of Thorneham aforesaide gent, alsoe I will have fower Sermons to be made eyther by Mr John Percyvall Mr Edward Fenton Mr John Marten Mr Leede Mr Peter Stewardson or Mr Sammell Otes within the parishe Churche of great Riborowe within one yeare next after my decease and those to be made uppon the Sondayes at one of the clocke in the after none by some one of them and no other at which tyme I will that he that shall preache shall have for his Sermon makinge tenn shillinge and his charges and I will that my executors shall delyver or cause to be delyvered unto hym that shall preache vij s vj d to be gyven and distributed by hym that shall preache with the consent of the Church wardens after everie of his sermons viz to fiftene of the poorest inhabitants of great Riborowe to everie of them vj s and ij d also to be gyven to fyve of the poorest inhabitantes of little Riborowe viz to everie of them vj d, also I will have two other
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sermons to be preached within the Church of Thornham by Mr John Percyvall Mr Rowland Nutt Mr Stewardson Mr George Leedes or Mr Fletcher and no other within one yeare next after my decease on the Sonday at one of the clocke in the after none and I gyve to hym that shall preache for everie sermon makinge x s and his chardges and I will that my Executors shall delyver or cause to be delyvered to him that shall preache imediatlie after the making of everie of the saide sermons x s to be distributed by hym that shall preache among the poorest and nediest people in the same Towne of Thorneham with the assent and advise of William Reade of the same Towne gent and of the vicar & Church wardens there viz to every poore person there vj d also I will have fower other sermons to be made in the parish Church of Walsingham Parva by Mr Otes Mr Marten Mr Leedes Mr Stewardson Mr Samuell Sttallon Mr Peter Stewardson and no others and I gyve to them for every of the sermons makinge x s and I will have my execut[ors] or one of them delyver or cause to be delyvered to everie of them that shall preache after the making of the sermon x s to be distributed by them amongst the poorest inhabitantes of the same towne of little Walsingham with the consent of Mr Stallon or one of the other preachers before named and the Church wardens there imediatlie after the making of his saide sermon viz to everye poore body iiij d provided allwayes that yf any of the said preachers shall fourtime to dye within a yeare next after my decease or be so stroke that they be not able to make the saide sermones in the places aforesaid where they are appoynted, then I will the residue of the saide preachers that shall then be alyve and able to travell shall supplie the cometh of hym or them that shalbe stroke or departed, and further that yf it shall fourtime the preachers to be sequestered from preaching which god forbid then I will and my minde is that the same preachers shall have the saide monye that is gyven them before for preaching to the intent they se the other money that is gyven to the poore people to be distributed everye Sondaye in manner
The incomplete copy of the will of Thomas Buttes transcribed from Add. Mss. 39227 fos. 118 -125 begins here
Add Mss 39227 folio 118
and forme as before in this my testament and last will is contayned so long as the same shall endure Also I give to the Lady Jane Buttes my sister in law one Starr royall to to make her a ringe and the same to have gravin therin two letters for my name viz T.B. Also I geve to my sister in law Mrs. An Buttes widow one Starr royall to make her a ringe of the same fassion Also I geve to my sayd sister in law the jugges of horne garnished with silvour with the jugges she did geve me longe since. Also I geve to my neece the
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Lady An Bacon one Starr royall to make her a ringe of the same fassion my new testament Lymmed with golde written in old English in prihnt my written service booke and the coberd of divers colours and the deske of divers collour which I lately bought of Mr William Burton Also I geve to my nephew Sir Nicholas Bacon of Redgrave knight one Starr royall to make him a ringe of the sayd fassion And my windemyll and one halfe acre lyinge inThornham at Cristie furlonge which I have bought of one John Fish of Hindringham him to to have and to hold to him and his heires males for ever Also I geve to the Lady An Shelton one starr royall to make her a ringe of the same fassion and my booke intituled The manner to dye well and my booke called theodore of Bezas confession and my booke of Sermons made by Mr John Calvin of upon the epistells of St Paul to the Galations. Also I geve to Sir John Higham of Bures in the County of Suffolk knight one starre royall to make him a ringe of the same fassion and my little booke all written with a black covre bosted & barked with lether havinge the leaves guylt intituled certayne godly players gathered and taken out of diverse and sondry bookes, And I gyve more to the sayd Sir John Higham vi bowestaves Also I geve to my brother in law Mr Thomas Higham one starr royall to make him a ringe of the like fassion and my booke intituled An exposition upon the two epistles of St Paul to the Thessalonians made by the reverend father in god John Jewell late Bishop of Salisbury ii Also I geve to Mr Nathaniell Bacon one starr royal to make him a ringe of the sayd fassion And the stafe which Sir Thomas Cornwalles gave me which was sometime the prince of Oranges staffe Also I geve to my cosen Isaac Asheley of Melton Constable one starr royall to make him a ringe of the fassion as is before Also I geve to my cosen Mary Asheley his wife one starr royall to make her a ringe of the like fassion Also I geve to Mr John Payne gent one starr royall to make him a ringe of the sayd fassion and the second parte of my booke of
N.B. The next folio in B.L.Add Mss 39227 is not a continuation of this page at this point
actes and monnumentes made by Mr John Foxe also I gyve to Mr Robert Bacon the eldest Six Sermons on Psalms also I gyve to my coson Mr Richard Anger of Grayes Inn Esquier one starre riall to make hym a ringe of the like fassion and one muskett one dagere & skasbod ij morrians and ij Jackes maid
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with white fustian, also I gyve to my frende Mr William Rugge of Billingford esquier one starr riall to make hym a ringe and my pockett dagge with a white hefte also I gyve to Mr Henrye Cornewallis Esquier one starre riall to make hym a ringe, also I gyve to Mr Roger Bozom of Wissingsett gent one starre rial to make him a ringe and my booke intituled a replicaron to Mr Hardinges answer made by John Jewell late Bishopp of Salisburie my booke intituled an answere made by the reverend Father in god Thomas Cranmer late Bishopp of Canterburie to a craftie sophisticall cavilacon devised by Stephen Gardiner, and my booke intituled godly prayers an meditacions made and gathered by John Filde mynister of godes holie worde also I gyve to my frinde William Reade of Thorneham gent one starre rial to make hym a ringe, also I gyve to my coson William Barrowe Esquier one starre rial to make hym a ringe of the like fassion as the other shalle alsoe I gyve to my nephew and godsonne Henrie Barrowe gent one starre rial in all to make hym a ringe and fyve poundes in monye and my greate englishe Bible bossed and my booke of sermons made by Mr John Calvin uppon the booke of Job and my booke of lectures havinge J B uppon the xij articles of the faithe made by John Hoper martyr some tyme Bishopp of Glocester and my will and mynde is that all those to whome I have gyven any peces of gold to make ringes of this my Testament and last will that the same ringes shalbe made by my Executors of the costes and chardges of my owne goodes lefte with my Executors and those ringes to be delyvered to the parties that I have gyven them within sixe wekes next after my decease also I gyve to Thomas Kinge of Barnardes Inne one black curace one black morian and one blacke halberde, also I gyve to my cosen Edmonde Bacon the son of Sir Nicholas Bacon of Redgrave knight two calyvers havinge their Forkes sett with white bone two white hornes wrought with black, also I gyve to Henrye Gesnolde the sonne of Mathew Gesnolde gent late of Hempton deceased xx s in monye to make hym a ringe and my written booke with a redd cover called Aurum ex stercore made by Robert Talbott sometyme one of the prebendaries of the Cathedral Churche in Norwich I also gyve to my nece Mi[stres]s Marie Barrowe
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one duble Ducket to make her a ringe Also I geve to Mr Thomas Dawbney my god sonn one duble ducket to make him a ringe Also I geve to John Townshend Esquire my god sonn one staffe with a rest for a musket having a hatchet on the end and set with yellow nayles Also I geve to my frend Mr Thomas Peede the elder Regester one black curate and black murrian and one arming sword one daggard and one lether gyrdlie and one moreys pike armed Also I give to my frend Mr Anthonye Marker of Norwich one black curate one black murryan one Arminge sworde and daggard one lether girdle and one moreys pike armed Also I geve to Thomas Warner the sonne of Thomas Warner of Hoo my god son one black corslet one black murrian one arminge swoorde and one morrys pike armed Also I geve to Henry Calthorpe my god son one doble ducket Also I geve to Beza Stallon my godson one doble ducket Also I geve to Thomas Townshend my godson one doble ducket Also I geve to Thomas Yelverton my godson one doble ducket Also I geve to Henrye Bacon my godson my lease of my manner of Thornham prioris which I late bought of Nicholas Brooke gent and Mr Richard Conysbie gent Also I geve to Buttes Bacon my godson one doble ducket and my great guilt jugge with a cover wayinge li ounces and a halfe Also I geve to Mrs Dorothy Bacon one of the daughtersof Sir Nicholas Bacon and the Lady Ann his wife one guilt bowle or goblet havingegraven in the bottome these wordes Carolus magnus imperator weighinge about xxxv ounces without any cover and to be delivered to her at the day of her marriage Also I geve to Jemina one other of the daughters of the sayd Sir Nicholas Bacon & the Lady Anne his wife one other guilt goblet having graven in the bottome these wordes Arthurus Roy Britannown to be delivered her at the daye of her marriage Also I geve to Thomas Rugge my godsonn one doble duckett Also I geve to Thomas Warner my godson the sonne of William Warner one doble duckett Also I geve to Thomas Cowp[er] my godson vi s viiij d Also I geve to Thomas Huwet my godson vi s viiij d Also I geve to Thomas Owtewhite my godson vi s viiij d Also I geve to Thomas Manfield al[ia]s Perse my godson-vi s viij d Also I geve to Thomas Catton my godson -vi s viij d Also I geve to Thomas Egrym my godson-vi s viij d Also I geve to Thomas Barsham my god son
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vi s viij d Also I geve to Thomas Scottowe my godson vi s viij d Also I geve to Thomas Gotes my godson vi s viij d Also I geve to Catherine Pynchbeck my god daughter vi s viij d Also I geve to Christopher Andrews my god son xx s in money and my booke called Cowpers
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Dictionary And I will and my minde is that the gyftes before geven in this my my testament and last will to every of godchildren before named shalbe payde and delivered to every of them within threemoneths next after my death Also I doe geve to Margaret Matson my olde trusty and paynfull servant Forty pounds of currant and lawefull money of England to be payed her by my executers within one quarter of a yeare next after my deathe Also I doe geve to the sayd Margaret Matson the bedstede wherein I doe lye with the testor of grene and red damaske with the curtens and iron roddes theerinto belonginge and the Fether bed and boulster too mattraces three payre of sheetes wherein I myselfe now woonte to lye with too coverlette on a Irish hachinge one Irish mantell colour yellow Also I geve to the sayd Margaret Matson three bras pottes whereof one is comonly called the Bullen pott the second that which I bought of Richard Smyth and the thirde which I bought of George Miller Also I doe geve to the sayd Margaret Matson one Skillet Also I doe geve to the sayd Margaret Matson one halfe garnish of pewter vessell which I brought from London one bason of pewter with a bryme one other bason without a brym too cushens of nedle worke of crewell made with water flowers too chestes the one of wanescott the other black bonnde with iron barres and the lockes & keyes to them belonginge my rownde table with a new grene cloth thereto belonging too low stooles the one with a backe the other without a backe two shorte borde clothes one dozen table napkins two towelles foure pillowcases and one of the standinge coberds in my owne chamber one kettle fower candlestickes two of my smallest speltes and payre of Andyrons and one firepanall with parcelles I will them to be delivered to the sayd Margaret Matson within one moneth next after my death Also I doe geve to the sayd Margaret Matson my silver pott wherein I use comonly to drinke having but one eare with my armes graven upon the sayd pott and one silver spone Also I geve to the sayd Margaret Matson the golde ringe which I late had of the gifte of Sir Nicholas Bacon knight late Lorde keeper Also I doe geve to John
NRO fo 379
Marchell my late servunt xx s in money Also I geve to Robert Partryke my late servunt xx s in money Also I geveto Leonard Andrewes my late servannte xx s in money Also I geve to Augustine Purvayse my Servante xl s in money and one black curace one black moryan one arming sworde one lether gyrdle one dagger and one pike Also I geve to John Norton my Servannte xl s in money one one black curace one black morryan one arming sworde one daggard one lether gyrdle and one pyke Also I geve to Robert Stokes my Servannte xl s in money one black curace one black morryan one arming sworde one dagger one lether gyrdle and one halbert Also I geve to Edwarde Wyborow my Servunt xl s in money one black curace one black one black moryan
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one arminge sworde one dagger one lether girdle & one halbert Also I geve to Samson Frostinge my Servunt xx s in money and a Jack covered with Fustian which he allwayes used to weare when he mustered for me one murryan one sworde one dagger one lether gyrdle and onepike armed Also I geve to Stephen Cowper my Servunt xx s in money one Jacke covered with white Fustian one murryan one sworde and dagger one lether gyrdle and one black bill Also I geve to Peter Blakye my late Servant xx s in money Also I doe geve to Elizabeth Hubberd my Servant x s in money Also I doe geve to Sara Ogell my Servunt x s in money Also I geve to Mary Crosbie my late Servannt x s in money Also I geve to Robert Bures gent Servunt to the Lorde Bishop of London xl s in money to be payd within three moneths next after my death Also I geve to his brother Henry Bures his brother late Servunt to my brother Sir William Buttes knight xl s in money to be payde to him within one quarter of a yeare next after my death Also I doe geve to William Sparcall late Servunt to my brother Sir William Buttes knight xx s in money Also I geve to George Horseman late Servunt to my sayd brother one Jack covered with white Fustian one moryan coved with crymsin velvet and my least portizan. Also I geve to Mr Frannces Anger of Grayes Inn my booke called Parcuste (John Parkhurst) Ludicra sive epigramata juvenilia my little booke in latten intituled historiarum [et] cronicorum mundi epitome uelut index usque [ad] annum 1533 And my booke called pugna porcorum made by placencius, And my booke intituled the secretes of the Reverend father Mr Alexis of pyemonnt translated out of French into Inglish by William Warde Also I geve to George Barfoote of Great Ryborow xs in money Also I geve to Henry Bacon gent my godson one free tenement called mylles with one yarde there unto adioyninge called newsteade yarde lyinge next the myll house in Great Ryborow which I late purchased of Thomas Browne to have & to hold the sayde tenement
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and yarde with thappurtennces to him & his heires forever Also I geve to the Towneshippe of great Ryborow my booke of parafraces of Erasmus and my greatest olde bible which they have already in the church Also I geve to the reparacon of the Churche and Steple of Great Ryborow xls in money Also I will that my executors shall within six monethes next after my decesse rayse and hayne the flores of the chaunncell the church and iles of great Ryborow with sand five inches higher and upon the same shall pave with new pavinge tile the sayd flores of the chaunncell church and iles in any wise not takeng up any of the olde paving tyle onles it be where Monumentes are for if the olde pavinge tyles shall be taken up which is thinne and nothinge worth the channcell and church and the iles sholde be never the dryer which I caused lately to be proved- Also I will that my executors shall within six wekes next after my decesse repayre and amend or cause to be repared and amended the payntinge of my tombe which is decayed by reason of moyster Also I will that my executors within two monethes next after my decease
Add Mss 39227 folio 122
shall geve to fyfty sondry children dwellinge neare greate Ryborow beinge seven yeares of age evrie of them at the least and to such as be somewhat entered in readinge one psalter booke and iiij d in money Also I geve to the pore inhabitenntes of the towne of Lynne beinge English borne - vi li xiij s iiij d which money I will to be distributed by the good advice and order of Mr John Burges Mr Percyvall Mr Armestead within one moneth next after my decesse to every which three last preachers I doe geve for their payns to be taken herin x s requyinge ech of them to make a sermon at such time as the money shalbe distributed Also I will and geve to evry one of the pore Lazer howses belonginge to the cyty of Norwich x s in money Also to evry one of the pore Lazerhowses belonging to the towne of Lynne x s in money And to the pore hospitall house in Walsingham parva x s in money all which to be payde within three moneths next after my decease to the releife and comforte of the pore in these houses Also I will and bequeath to the pore prisoners of the castell within the citye of Norwich towards the mendinge of their dyet and fare x li viij s to be distributed and bestowed amonge them within too whole yeres next after my decesse by my executors or such as they shall appoynt viz wekely and every weke ii s the firste distribucon thereof to be made within one moneth next after my decease Also I geve & bequeth to the pore Inhabitanntes dwellinge in these severall townes hereafter mentioned viz to the pore in Stibbard x s to the pore in Fullmerston and Croxton x s to the pore in Ketleston
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Ketleston x s to the pore in Fakenham xx s to the pore in Skulthorpe x s, to the pore in Este Barsham x s. to the pore in West Barsham x s to the poore in Sowthcreake x s to the pore in Burnham Sutton x sto the pore in Burnham Thorpe x s. to the pore in South Raynham x s to the pore in Este Raynham x sto the pore in Toftres x s to the pore in West rudham x s to the pore in Burnham Norton x s to the pore in Burnham Depdale x s o the pore in Burnham Westgate x s to the pore in Hunstanton x s, to the pore in Whiton x s, to the pore in Welles x s, to the pore in Stifkey x s, to the pore in Holkham x s to the pore in Walsingham magna x s to the poor in Walsingham parva xx s to the pore in Snoringe magna x sto the pore in Snoringe parva x s to the pore in Thursforde x s to the pore in Hydringham x s to the poore in Bynham x s to the pore in Holte x s, to the pore in Wiveton x s, to the pore in Clay a nixta mare x s, to the pore in Suiterly al[ia]s Blakeney -x s to the pore in Saxlingham x s to the pore in Thornage x s to the pore in Brynton x s to the pore in Melton Constable x s to the pore in Edgfeilde x sto the pore in Studdye, to the pore in Estdereham xx s to the pore in Shibdam x s to the pore in North Elmeham x s to the pore in Gateley x s to the pore in Colkreke x s to the pore in Wissingset x s to the pore in Horningtofte x s to the pore in Beteley x s to the pore in Catton
B.L.Add Mss 39227 copy also has: to the pore in Northcreke x s to the pore in Sharington x s
neare Norwich x s Also I gyve to the pore of the French & wallon congregation dwellinge
Add Mss 39227 folio 123
and remayninge in the citie of Norwich x li of currant money of Englande to be distributed by the good advice of Thomas Burrell John Marten Pastor Hebon and munser John Mery within one moneth next after my decease and that Mr Bonageo the French mynister or preacher shall make a sermon the daye that the sayd x li shalbe distributed and he to have x s for his sermon makinge Also I geve to the pore of the dutche congregation dwellinge and remayninge in Norwich aforsayd x li of currant money of England to be distributed unto them by the good advice of John de boyle, levy leman James Vauberte and the preacher of that congregation within one moneth next after my decesse And that the preacher of that congregation shall make a sermon the daye that the sayd x li shalbe distributed and he to have x s for his sermon makinge Also my whole mynde & meaninge is neyther to geve nor yet to have worne any blacke gowne coate or cloake of my gifte for me after my deceasse nor yet to have the church nor chauncell hange with blacke at my funerall daye nor other dayes followinge Also I geve to William Empson yerelie duringe the terme of his naturall life xx s a yeare to be payd him v s a quarter Also I geve and bequeath to Mr Frannces Anger my cosen Richard Angers sonn now stewdent in Grayes Inne my pention or
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portion of xl s by yeare goinge out of the rectory and benifice of great Ryborow which was puchased of the Quene her Majestie for terme of his naturall life and after the decease of the sayd Frannces I will the same pention of xl s by yere shall wholy remayne to my neece the Lady Anne Bacon and her heires for ever Also I geve to the sayd Frannces Anger my booke intituled de vita morte et Jewelle and one other booke of verses set forth in Laten by the late Reverend Father John Parkehurste late Bishope of Norwich Also I geve and bequeath to John Anger my cosen Angers second sonne my pention or portion of xiij s iiij d by yeare goinge out of the Rectorie or Vicarage of Little Ryborowe which was also purchased of the Quenes Majestie for the terme of his naturall life And after his decease I will that the sayd pention or portion of xiij s iiij d by yeare shall remayne to my neece the Lady Ann Bacon and her heires for ever Also my will and my mynde is that on the daye of my buriall there shalbe distributed and geven to such pore people as shall come thyther xl d of money viz to any of them iiij d so that they shalbe of the age of ten yeares and upwardes or such as can saye the Lordes prayer in English at the least and to no other And I desire Robert Stokes my servunt to distribute the sayd tenn poundes to the pore people at the daye of my buriall in manner and forme aforesayde And I geve to the sayde Robert Stokes for his paynes takinge therein xx s.
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Also I will and my minde is that Margaret Matson my other and trusty Servunnt shall have the tenement builded called Candelers with the crofte thereto adioyninge contayninge by estemacon three roodes as it lyeth in the towne of great ryborowe which I purchased of Helen Harvie widow John Wenne & Gryssell his wife and John Kinge and Johaneh his wife To have and to hold the sayde tenement with the Appertennces to the sayd Margaret Matson & her assignes for the terme of her naturall life And after her deceasse I will the same tenement and croft shall wholy remayne to Buttes Bacon my godson the sonn of Sir Nicholas Bacon knight and to his heires for ever Also I doo geve and my will and mynde is that the sayd Margaret Matson shall have all my howses landes and tenementes freehold and coppy lyinge and beinge in the towne & fieldes of Catton nere Norwich duringe the terme of her naturall lyfe if she shall kepe herselfe solo and unmaried but if the sayd Margaret shall fortune to marry then I will that within one moneth next after she shalbe married
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that she shall avoyde from the use and possession of all those landes & tenementes in Catton and not to take any manner of benefites profit or comodity of them nor any parte of them And the same landes & tenementes eyther after the sayd Margaret shall fortune to be married or after her deathe I doe geve and bequethe to Henry Shelton the sonne of Sir Raffe Shelton knight my godson and to his heires for ever Also I doe geve to the sayd Margaret Matson all such wode by bloc & faggott as shalbe & remayne in my yardes and howses in Catton at the daye of my death Also I will that my leases & terme of yeres that I have of all & singular my howses landes tenementes growndes medows pastures and feadings sytuate lying and beinge in Little Walsingham shallbe sowlde by my executers or their assignes and the monye thereof comynge to be bestowed towardes the performance of this my last will and testament Also I geve to my very worshipfull frende Sir Drew Drewry knight one iron chest being one yarde longe with the lockes & keyes therto belonginge which he gave me at his laste beinge at Catton Also I doo geve unto the sayd Sir Drew Drewry the pictor and table of Mr John Jewell late bishop of Salisbury which is now hanging in my parlor at Catton and the pictor or table of Mr Robertes late preacher in Norwich hanginge in the same parlor the pictor or table of Mr John More preacher in Norwich with it likenise in the same parlor the pictor of Mr John Fox that made the booke of actes & monumentes and the pictor of Mr Henry Byrde late lectorer in Norwich which is also in the sayd parlor which iron cheste and pictors I will be delivered to the sayd Sir Drew Drewry within one
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Quarter of a yeare next after my death Also I geve to Henry Shelton the son of Sir Raffe Shelton knight my godson the some of twenty poundes of currant monye of Englande Also I geve to my Frend James Morrante of Norwich xx s in golde to make him a ringe one black curace one black morryan one armynge sworde one daggar one lether gyrdle & one halbert Also I geve to my Frend John Russell dwelling in the parish of St Saviour in the cyty of Norwich xx s to make him a ringe Also I geve to Pringle dwellinge in the towne of Catton x s Also I geve to Rebecca Metham dwelling in the saide towne of Catton x s also I doe gyve to William Reade of the saide Towne of Catton x s Also I doe geve to Roberte Pulham of great Ryborowe x s Also I doe geve to Richarde Lathe now minister of the towne
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of Catton xx s Also I doe geve to Henry Elwyn dwellinge at the signe of ye maide heade in Norwich one Jacke covered with white Fustian one murrian one sworde one daggar one gurdell & one halbert The residew of and remnante of all my goodes and chattels, jewells plate householde stuffe redie monye & obligacons whatsoever this my Testament and last will beinge mostly fullfilled & performed accordinge to my good intente and meaninge I doe frely gyve and bequethe to my cosen Mr Isacke Asheley Esquire Mr Richard Anger the elder Esquire and Mr Henry Shelton gent the sonne of Sir Raffe Shelton late of Shelton knight decessed -my godson whome I doe constitute ordeyne make and appoynt my onlye executors of this last will and Testament which doth conteyne xiiij shetes of paper being all sewed together and my hande sett to everie sheete in the presence of we whose names are here under written
John Russell Augustine Purvays
Jamys Morrant Anthony Marker
Edward Wiborow
John Norton
Thomas Buttes
For the deciphering and translating the next paragraph in Latin, I am indebted to Robert Collingwood and his Rootschat forum colleagues, "horselydown66" and "Bookbox"
PROBATUM fuit h(uius)mod(i) Testamentum apud
Norvicum coram venerabili viro do(mi)no Roberto
Redmayno legum doctore Officiali principali
Curie Cons(istorialis) Ep(iscop)alis Norvice(nsis)Ep(iscopi) xvijo
die mensis ffebruarij Anno d(omi)ni iuxta cursum
NRO fo 384v
4 remaining lines of Latin text
et Computac(i)onem Eccl(es)ie Anglicane mill(esi)mo Quingen(tesi)mo
nonagesimo secundo Com(m)issaq(ue) fuit Administratio bonorum
Executoribus in dicto testamento nominat(is) in debita
juris forma juratis
"The subject testament was proved at Norwich before the venerable man lord Robert Redmayne doctor of laws principal officer of the consistory court of the bishop of Norwich on the seventeenth day of the month February in the year of the Lord by the course and computation of the English church thousand five hundred ninety two and Adminstration of goods was granted to the executors named in the said testament sworn in due legal form."
This the last will and Testament of Mr Thomas Buttes Esquier Surrendred into the handes of Peter Wattes in the presentes of William Wattes John vairdenge the xxiij daie of maye of all those Copieholde landes as is holden of this mannor of Catton
by me Peter Wattes