Thomas Wantling, Miller of Great Ryburgh

Norfolk Record Office

NCC will register Alexander 209




Thomas Wantling


In the Name of God Amen I

Thomas Wantling of Great Ryburgh in the County of Norff

Miller being indisposed in body but of p-fect sound mind and

memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same doe this twenty

third day of March Anno dni One thousand seaven hundred &

four And in the fourth year of the Reign of …...most gratious

gratious Sovereign Lady Queen Anne by the grace of God of

England Scotland ffrance & Ireland Defender of the ffaith etc

make & ordain this my last Will & Testam-t in manner & forme

following that is to say Impr-is I com-end my Soul into the hands of

Almighty God my creatour assuredly trusting in & thro the meretori-s

death & passion of my ever blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ to have

free pardon & remission of all my sins And my body I com-itt

to the ground to be buried in decent Buryall at the discretion of

my Exec.x hereafter named And as to that worldly Estate & goods it

hath pleased God to blesse me with I doe give & dispose thereof as

followeth Item I give and devise unto Sarah Wantling my loveing wife

All my Messuages lands Tenem-ts hereditam-ts & premises both ffreehold &

copyhold with their & any of their appurte-nts rights members & p-viledges

whatsoever for & during the time & forme of her natural life And after

her decease I give & dispose thereof as followeth Item I give & devise


end of page


All that my Estate & farme All that my Estate & farme with their

& any of their rights members & appurte-nts situate lyeing & being in

Althorpe in the County afores-d & now in the occupaton of John Major

or his Assignes unto Thomas Wantling my Son & to his heires forev-r

And alsoe I give & devise unto my said son Thomas Wantling & his

heires forever All that close or inclosure of pasture ground conteyning

by estimacon four acres more or lesse situate & being in Gately in

the said County w-ch I lately purchased of John Everet Item Igive and

devise all those my Messuages lands & p-mises late Moneyments

situate lyeing & being in great Ryburgh afores-d & now in the occpacon

of Henry Batch & Robert Taylor together w-th one acre of land lyeing

in Ryburgh field w-ch I purchased of Thomas Wase unto Pheby Wantling

my daughter & to heires forever Item I give & devise unto my daughter

Sarah Wantling & to her heires forever All that my Messuage land

& p-mises w-th th appurte-nts situate lyeing & being in great Ryburgh

afores-d & now in the use & occupacon of John Kerrison or his Assignes

Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary Wantling the sume

of One hundred & fifty pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid

to her by my Exec.x hereafter named when she shall attain to the age

of one & twenty years Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter

Sarah Wantling the sum of One hundred & ten pounds of lawfull

money of England to be paid by my Exec.x hereafter named when

she shall attain to the age of one & twenty years Item I give and

bequeath unto my daughter Pheby Wantling the sum of fifty pounds

of lawfull money of England to be paid to her by my Exec.x hereafter

named when she shall attain to the age of one & twenty years Item

I give and bequeathe unto my Grand son Thomas Lane the sum of ten

pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid by my Exec.x within

six months after my decease into the hands of John Lane of ffakenham

M’cer his ffather & he to give security unto my Exec-s until my said

Grand son shall attain to the age of one & twenty years Item I give

& bequeathe unto my son Thomas Wantling my Clock & Jack as it

stands plus all the rest of my goods cattle chattels moneyd bills bonds

securities household stuffe & implements of household whatsoever I give

& bequeath unto my loveing wife Sarah whome I make & ordain to be

sole Exec.x of this my last will & testam-t She paying my debts legacis

& ffunerall charges And keeping & maintaining my children until

they shall severally attain to the age of one & twenty years


end of page






or dayes of Marriage Item my minde & will is that if any of my

said children shall depart this life before they shall attain to this age

of one & twenty yeares that then the legacy or legacies Estate

or Estates of him or them soe dyeing shall be equally divided

& shared amongst the surviving Brother or Sisters And I alsoe

nominate & appoint my loveing ffriends Henry Eglenton of

Bawdeswell in the County afores-d Gent & John Lane my Son in law of

ffakenham M’cer to be my Supervisors of this my last Will and

Testam-t And doe hereby impower them to call in my debts and

moneys & see that the same be put out at Interest upon good land

or other securities for the payme-t of my Legacies above bequeathed

unto my children as they shall severally attain to the age of one

& twenty years And I doe hereby give to each of my superviso-s

five Guineys a piece to be paid by my Exec.x within six months next

after my decease for their trouble & time of getting my debts

& assisting my said Exec.x in putting out her moneys & other

bussinesse And further my mind & will is that my said wife shall

keepe & maintain all my houses yards fences & premises during

her life in good & Tenantable repair & not to com-itt any Strope

or waste upon any of the same And doe hereby declare that what

is contayned in this one sheet of paper doe conteyne my last Will

& Testam-t In Witnesse whereof I the said Thomas Wantling have

hereunto put my hand & seale the day & year above written


Tho: Wantling


Signed sealed published & declared to be the last will & Testam-t of

the Testator in the pr-sence of us Henry Batch

Chr Langood. Wm Manning









Thomas Wantling married Sarah Batch in Elsing on 28th February 1681


The following children are recorded in the St. Andrew's Registers:



Elezebeth Wantling baptised at St Andrew’s 15/10/1682

Mary Wantling baptised at St Andrew’s 13/6/1690

Thomas Wantling baptised at St Andrew’s 15/7/1692

Sarah Wantling baptised at St Andrew’s 15/10/1693

Pheby Wantling baptised at St Andrew’s 26/11/1695



John Lane (Mercer) of Fakenham married eldest daughter, Elezebeth

on June 27th 1701 at St John Maddermarket, Norwich


Child: Thomas Lane born and baptised 6 May 1703 at St Andrew’s


2 (The left hand column)



Norfolk Record Office


DN/INV 70/2




A true & perfect Inventory taken and made

the Eighteene Day of March in the yeare of our

Lord God one Thousand Seaven hundred & Eight,

of all & Singular the Goods Cattles Chattles and

household Stufe of Thomas Wantling of Riburgh

Magna in the County of Norfolk Miller, late

Deceased, being Seene Valued & Aprized by us

whos names are here under written-------------




His wearing Apparell _____________________________________  015:00:00

His Libre _______________________________________________ 001:05:00

In Ready Mony __________________________________________ 102:17:06

In Bonds _______________________________________________ 382:00:00

In Booke Debts __________________________________________ 093:14:08

In Desperate Debts _______________________________________ 036:14:00

In Plate _________________________________________________010:00:00


In the Parlor

2 Tables, 10 Leather Chairs a pr Anirons_______________________ 002:10:00

tongs, a still & a Gotch Bearer________/


In the Parlor Chamber

1 Bed as it standeth _______________________________________ 007:00:00

3 Small tables & a Neast of Drawers __________________________ 002:05:00

7 Cane Chairs & 2 Other Chairs ______________________________001:15:00

A Looking Glass, a Cushing, Anirons Sivpan ___

Tongs, a pr bellows, Earthenware & Glasses on___ ______________ 001:05:00

the Chimmy piece & a Morter & Earthenware ____/

Bottles & 2 Candle Sticks in the Clossett _______/


In the Chamber next ye Parlor Chamber


1 Bed as it standeth, 4 Chairs & 2 Cushings_____________________003:01:06


In the Passage & Presse Chamber


A Coate Presse, a Tereene & a Desk __________________________ 001:05:00


In the Kitching Chamber


3 Beds as they standeth ____________________________________ 008:10:00

1 Small Table, 3 Chairs, 1 Stoole, 3 Cushings___________________  000:17:00

a Small Boyes, a trunk & a Chest ___________________________/

In the Closett a Large trunk 2 Cases within _____________________ 001:00:00

Knives & Forks, & Other Small things _______________________/

Bed & Board Lining _______________________________________  025:00:00

Parlor Dishes, Plates & Other Pewter __________________________004:00:00


In the Chamber next ye Kitching Chamber

1 Bed Stead with ye beding on it, 6 Chairs & a Table ____________  004:00:00


In the Garretts

1 Bed__________________________________________________ 001:00:00

a Chest, Sidesadle, & Bed Stead____________________________  000:15:00

a Small parcell of Hops____________________________________ 001:00:00

3 Kittles. 3 Scilletts_______________________________________  002:10:00

Stone Bottles & Glass Bottles In a Baskett_____________________ 000:02:06

Old Iron _______________________________________________  000:12:06


In the Kitching


3 Tables, 5 Chairs, 4 Joynt Stooles, 8 Other Stooles______________001:05:00

& a Small Neast of Drawers__________________/

One Clock, a Jack, a Leather Couch & a Tall Boy_______________  002:00:00

4 Speets, 2 Pr Anirons, 2 Dripen pans, Suspan____

tongs, pair Candle Sticks, Candle Box, a Gun__________________ 002:07:06

a Warming pan, 2 iron potts, a Kittle_____________/

a Casting nett Earthenware & Small Ironware_____/


In the Porch Rooms & Porch


1 Table, 1 old Cubbard, 2 Sadles 3 Cushons___________________001:00:00

& Cloth a Settle, 2 iron Boxes & a Cane ___________/


In the Cellers


11 Brass Vessells, a Meate Sickle & a Table___________________001:10:00


In the Pantry


A Dresser, a Brass Kittle, Iron Pottmeale?____________________002:00:00

Sickel & Tinnware & Earthenware___________/


In the Brew house


A Copper Cooler & brewing Vessells________________________009:00:00

Malt Querns, Cheese presse a kittle, Coles__________________ 002:10:00

Beame & Scales, & hesign_______________/



(End of left side column)


(The right hand column)


In the Dayery


4 Milk Leads, a halfe Barrell Churne ________________________004:10:00

Cheese press & Tubs____________________________________/


In the Brew house Chamber


a Truckle Bed, Matresse ???? & a Chest ____________________ 004:00:00


In the Dayery Chamber


15 Co[ombs]:Rye & a Parcell of Cheese _____________________020:00:00


In the Meale house


a Bing & Meale, a Corne Tereene, 25 Jacks 2 Iron_____________003:04:06

Cro[m]es, 6 Iron Wedges, & Turnip seed___________________/


In the Barns


2 Busshells, 2 ffanns, 3 riddles & a whisk ___________________001:00:00


Att Hilderveston Shopp


Scales & Weights & Meale ______________________________001:00:00


In Hainses ffeild


13 Biggest Stears_____________________________________052:00:00

18 Middle Sorte______________________________________ 047:05:00

16 Ditto Smaller ______________________________________024:00:00

29 Thewling Weathers _________________________________011:10:00


In the Core Yarde


21 Milch Cows _______________________________________047:00:00


In the Stable


7 Horses ____________________________________________026:00:00

In the Meadowes a Mare & foale_________________________. 001:00:00

In the Stye 2 fatt hoggs ________________________________ 004:00:00

In the Yarde 5 horses? _________________________________003:15:00

2 Carts 2 Ploughs, 1 pr harrows _________________________  011:00:00

Harness for Cartes & Plough ___________________________  003:00:00


In the Barne & Other Places




15 Co[ombs]: of Ordinary Wheate _______________________  006:15:00

10 Co[ombs]: of Better Sorte ____________________________010:15:00

A Stack of Hay in the Meadows & house __________________ 013:15:00

32 Acres of Wheate & Rye _____________________________ 032:00;00

Wood in the Yarde & house & ye Poultry __________________ 001:00:06



  Other Side _________ 732:00:02

Total Sum_________ _ 1080:12:08




Henry Eglinton

Eleazar Durrant




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